Tots Unique Aproach
Our program is designed fusing elements from different educational and therapeutic models, that we have consistently used over the past 15 years and that we strongly believe support development in the best manner: DIR Floortime, Sensory Integration, Social Thinking, Neurodevelopment, Reggio Emilia approach, Neuro Development, among others.

Why are we a boutique program?
Toddlers benefit the most when the transition from being at home with a caregiver and having their undivided attention, goes to a small group setting. Most preschool programs in Miami have a ratio of six children per adult, which makes it extremely hard even for the most dotted teachers to attend to the emotional and developmental needs of toddlers.
we created a boutique program where we have three children for one adult maximum, this allows the teachers, the time and the energy to care for your child needs in the proper manner. The toddler years are fundamental when it comes to the foundation for a child’s mental health, a teacher that can attend to a child promptly, and can be a good co-regulator is the best gift you can give your toddler!

CHILDREN 2 ½ Y.O AND OLDER BENEFIT IMMENSELY FROM MINDFULNESS PRACTICES LIKE MEDITATION AND YOGA, these special activities are included daily into their routine to foster their relationship with themselves and the ability to connect with others with compassion and love.
We teach our TOTS breath and body awareness to facilitate the continuation of these practices for the rest of their lives.
How will you know this program is truly beneficial for your child?
Once your child has finished the adaptation process a licensed Occupational Therapist will administer the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale on your child to assess his/ her fine motor and visual perception skills. We do this every 6 – 9 months to keep track of their development. Typically, children come to us with an average developmental level ( percentiles 40-50) and by the time they leave our program they are scoring on percentiles 85 and above, which is on the very superior range. All of our children have left the program meeting the Florida State standards for early education for grades PK2 and PK3. The tests we use, evaluates school readiness by measuring fine motor and visual perception skills, which are one of the fundamental skills for school performance. After each evaluation our team (the therapist who performed the evaluation and the teacher) will create a personalized set of developmental/ academic goals in the following areas:
Fine Motor/ Visual perception
Gross Motor/ Physical Development
Cognitive (this area typically includes items like numbers and letter recognition, etc)
Socio- Emotional (relationship with others, adaptation to routine, etc)

Book for a tour and we'll show you around!