Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about our program and other topics.
What Does A Typical Day Look Like?
08:45 to 09:00 AM: Meet and greet.
09:00 to 09:30 AM: Motor Circuit.
09:30 to 10:00 AM: Assembly / Communication Cognition Skills.
10:00 to 10:30 AM: Snack time / Bathroom.
10:30 to 11:30 AM: Experiences (Language, Communication, Cognition, and Fine Motor skills).
11:30 to 12:00 PM: Gym / Gross Motor activities / Dismissal.
12:00 to 01:00 PM: Lunch and Free Play.
*The lengths of the activities might vary as we follow the group lead and each child’s particular interest.
What To Expect On Your First Day Of The Program?
For children, parents and teachers, starting school means a new phase in their lives. The first days at school are usually marked by a transition period where the child and his/her family get familiarized with the school and teachers get to know the new families and welcome old friends.
Given that we are a boutique program, we have the advantage to offer a very flexible, slowed paced transition. Typically parents are allowed in the class over the first days to give their children time to feel comfortable in the new setting and until they have bonded with the teachers.
What ages is this program designed for?
Our Tots developmental classes program is designed for children who are between 18 and 48 months of age. This is a critical period in a child's development, as they are rapidly learning and growing in various areas such as social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. During this period, children are typically transitioning from infancy to toddlerhood and are starting to explore their surroundings and engage in new experiences. Our classes are tailored to the specific needs and abilities of children within this age range, helping them to reach important developmental milestones and establish a strong foundation for future learning and growth.
Enrollment Terms
a) Ages of Enrollment
We welcome children since they start walking until the age of 48 months.
b) Registration Form
At time of registration, you must bring the following documents filled out and signed: Registration form. Tuition agreement, Allergies Acknowledgment.
c) Arrival and Departure
Kids can be drop off at 8.45 am. Class will start at 9 am. No early drop off available. Pick up will be at 12 pm. Tolerance of 5 min. late pick up will be applied. After 12.05 parents will be charged $5 every 10 minutes of late pick up.
d) Who is autorized to pick up your child?
a child can only be picked up by people authorized by you on the child’s file (ID may be required at time of pick up).
e) Change of Clothes
A labeled change of clothes is required in every child’s backpack on a daily basis.
f) Snack
Please bring from home a snack and a bottle of water. Choking hazards as grapes must be avoided. All child items must be labeled with their names.
g) Potty Training
If your child is still using diapers you will need to bring at least two labeled diapers, all depending on your child’s needs.
What Do You Need To Bring?
The following is a list of accessories you will need to bring on your child’s first day of School. Please, make sure that all the items that you bring to school are labeled with first and last name. Check the list carefully:
1. Labeled box of wipes
2. Complete changes of clothing
3. One box of gallon-Size Ziploc bags to send clothes.
4. If your child uses diapers, please bring 10 diapers (teachers will ask you to bring more as needed) and diaper ointment.
Please bring for your child a healthy morning snack (labeled with their name). If your child is bringing their own lunch, it must be placed in a lunchbox, labeled with their name. Please send the food in microwave-safe containers, also labeled with your child’s name.
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